General and Specialized Care
In Chimborazo Province, Ecuador, basic healthcare is a daily struggle. A lack of trained medical professionals, equipped medical facilities and affordable health care are harsh realities. Many families live on just a few dollars a day and can’t afford medicines and medical treatment for their children. Specialized care is largely unavailable and many patients wait months to be seen by the appropriate doctor.
FIBUSPAM provides healthcare and hope to the people of Chimborazo though our primary care, dentistry, ophthalmology, and multi-specialty surgical programs. Staffed by local doctors and nurses, we deliver high-quality affordable healthcare to a population who wouldn’t otherwise have access to care.
In addition to our general practitioner, we also provide specialized surgical care in the areas of ENT, ophthalmology, gynecology, vascular surgery, urology, and general surgery. These services truly change the lives of the people we serve.
FIBUSPAM also serves the local community through our mobile medical clinics, providing care to the most remote areas of the region on a regular basis, resulting in deep-rooted community trust and respect. We are proud to serve the people of Chimborazo Province and Ecuadorians throughout the country.
Children in Latin American suffer twice the number of dental cavities than do children in the United States. It is estimated that as many as 88% of indigenous children living in Ecuador suffer from advanced tooth decay. Overall, Ecuador had the third highest rate of pediatric tooth decay in all of Latin America.
When left untreated cavities and tooth infections can lead to mouth pain, sleeping and eating disorders, and diminished concentration in school. Poor oral health results in malnutrition, digestive problems, and poor academic performance.
FIBUSPAM provides affordable dental care to children and their families living in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador. Our dental clinic promotes sustained oral health by providing bi-annual checkups as well as treating pre-existing dental conditions. By avoiding chronic mouth infections, children have better nutritional outcomes and less mouth pain, enabling them to focus on their educational and career goals.
Over 240,000 people in Ecuador suffer from blindness. Of this amount, 53% could have restored vision through cataract surgery. There are only a few hundred practicing ophthalmologists serving the 15 million people of Ecuador, the majority of whom do not have the equipment and supplies needed to perform cataract surgery.
FIBUSPAM’s ophthalmology program enables vision to be restored to thousands of Ecuadorians in need. In partnership with international volunteers and donors, our local ophthalmologist completes hundreds of cataract surgeries a year.
Restoring sight empowers Ecuadorians and can be a catalyst to alleviate poverty. In developing countries like Ecuador, three people are necessary to care for one blind person. Restoring vision to one adult could enable three children to return to school or three adults to resume gainful employment. Cataract surgery not only restores vision for the patient, but also frees caretakers to live more productive lives.
International Children
FIBUSPAM often meets children who have suffered third degree burns or serious vascular, orthopedic, and chronic life-threatening medical problems. When such cases are identified and cannot be treated at our facility in Riobamba or locally in Ecuador, we partner with hospitals in the United States to provide on-going treatment to restore the health of the child. These children usually travel to the U.S. with a guardian to undergo the needed treatments. Some children stay in the US for an extended period of time to ensure their full recovery and others require multiple visits to the US for ongoing care. We are grateful to Shriners Hospital who has continued to support the children that we identify for treatment.